The latest book to TV series adaptations

It has been said that we are living in the golden age of television. This statement is very hard to deny, considering the number of TV shows that come out a year. There are so many shows and so many streaming services that it is impossible to keep up. It is also not unusual to have books adapted into TV series, and while it is hard to see them all, here are some new adaptations that have been recently released.

The Consultant by Bentley Little

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Adapted by Prime Video, The Consultant follows a company that recently lost its boss in what seems like a gruesome accident. However, when a consultant comes in, takes over, and changes everything, it becomes clear that nothing is what it seems.

Shadow and Bone by Leight Bardugo

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Shadow and Bone season 2 is being adapted by Netflix. After the first season, which had great success, the fans have been waiting to see the rest of the stories of Grishaverse (the world in which the books take place) adapted to the screen. It is still unclear what the story will be since from the start, the story was changed quite a bit. Nevertheless, expectations are high, and fans are excited.


Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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It was no surprise when it was first announced that the book Daisy Jones and the Six would be adapted since from the moment the book was published, fans have been clamoring for a movie/tv series. The story follows the rise, fall, and aftermath of Daisy Jones and the Six, the most successful band of the 70s, who famously broke up at the peak of their fame.


Wolf Pack by Edo Van Wolf Pack

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Adapted by Paramount+, Wolf Pack is the story of two teenagers whose lives completely change after a forest fire in their hometown awakens something supernatural. This series is being brought to life by showrunner Jeff Davis, who created Teen Wolf in 2011 which had great success. As is to be expected, this show has created great expectations for both fans of the book and the showrunner.

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