The best movies about famous writers

Every so many years, a new biographical movie comes out, mostly about singers (Bohemian Rhapsody, Rocketman, Elvis), actors (Judy, Blonde), and every so often, about writers. As is usual with movie biographical movies, to say they take artistic liberties is an understatement. Yet we still watch them and enjoy them as if they were facts. This allows us to pretend, if only for a few hours, that we were part of it, the greatness of it all, and their fall.

In this list, we have some movies that tell the stories of some of the world’s most famous authors, despite the liberties taken by the movies, they manage to keep us interested and at the edge of our seats, as if the ending were a mystery to us all.


Emily tells the story of Emily Brontë, who is best known for writing Wuthering Heights, which is considered a classic of English literature. The film shows Emily Brontë as young and still finding her own voice. It also focuses on her relationship with her siblings Branwell, Charlotte, and Anne. Overall, the movie shows Emily navigating a world that finds her odd, strange, and dark.

janeBecoming Jane

Becoming Jane is the story of Jane Austen as she struggles to find her place as a writer in a world and industry that refuses to make space for her. The movie also tells the story of Jane as a young woman falling in love for the very first time.


Colette tells the story of Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, a French author, mime, actress, and journalist. The movie focuses on her marriage and relationship with the writer Henry Gauthier-Villars, better known as Willy. However, rather than make the story about the romance, the movie tells the story of how Colette breaks free and acquires a name for herself.

littleLittle Women

Greta Gerwig’s version of Little Women brought new life to the original story. While it is true that Little Women it’s a fictional story and not the real life of Louisa May Alcott, so much of Alcott was put into the character of Jo, who just like Alcott wants to be a writer, that we have decided to include her in the list.

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