March 8th, a day to celebrate or commemorate?

As a woman, I have been dealing with the uncomfortable situation that people spend the whole day sending messages saying since ”happy day of women!”. But, this is exactly…

As a woman, I have been dealing with the uncomfortable situation that people spend the whole day sending messages saying since ”happy day of women!”. But, this is exactly what women want to receive that day?

The International Women’s Day, it is a day to commemorate the growing international women’s movement. It is a day in which women are recognized for their achievements, without diving them between language, ethnic, culture, economic status or political ideas. But then, why people should not celebrate the day?

The date became important when The Socialist Party of America designated this day in honor of the garment worker’s strike in New York, where women protested against working conditions, and died years after under the same terrible working conditions. Subsequently, can you imagine a person sending a ”happy day” to a Jewish person, in the International Day Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust? The answer to it is absolutely no!

The fight that women are involved nowadays have changed with the pass of the years, and depending on the living context are the rights that women are fighting for. It is true that women have now more opportunities to work, but it is a reality the economic violence still women suffer due to a patriarchal world where the salaries are not the same for women than for men. And even it is a big injustice, it is not the main problem that women are mad about, it is the simplicity of feel free to live.

The feminicides around the world are increasing, violence against women just for being women, rapes, and harassment and the women of Chihuahua, Mexico are already exhausted about the situation. Therefore, on 8th of March of the present year, they decided to go out with a lot of braveness and yell to the government the importance of their rights. Some protesters shared their experience to understand what they felt during the march.

Photograph of the march and women protesting for their rights.


''I cried because I saw the name of a man who hurt me a lot. And know that it happened to someone else, and that I was not the only one... It was something very shocking. I started to cry a lot when I realize that there is someone else that shares my experience, and that made me want to hug their little heart. Besides, notice that year after year there are more people who joined in the battle, and see women fighting for their rights, it is something nice to witness''. -Sofia R. 






Women stopping the traffic.




''I felt goosebumps, a lot of sororities and I cried when I felt safe and was able to write the name of my friend's abuser'' -Marilú M.

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