Nobody seems to find it relevant where coffee came from, they just enjoy it whenever they can. …

The international coffee day is celebrated each year on October 1st. Now, for some people this day is not important, but for coffee lovers it is. This special date acknowledges the hard work of baristas, and coffee shop owners, as well as the farmers. Coffee, as some of you may know, is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. The consumption of this drink has brought different variations of it, such as cappuccinos, lattes, mochas, macchiatos, etc. Also, you can enjoy just drinking it black, or take a shot of espresso, or ask for an Americano; the point of having many ways to consume it shows the progress of transformation of coffee, adapting to everyone’s needs and desires.

Although, most people drink it for pure enjoyment and pleasure, on the other hand, there are people who require the caffeine to fulfill different tasks throughout the day that require a lot of energy. However, it does not matter for what reason you drink it if you end up delighted by it.

Moreover, as an interesting fact, the average age at which people start drinking coffee is between 15 and 16, obviously there are a lot of adolescents who start their consumption years before. According to health specialists such as nutritionists and pediatricians, it is not recommended to start drinking coffee before the age of 12. Still, from the ages of 12 to 18, the dosages should not be really high.

In my own experience, I remember I started drinking coffee at the age of 15. I was in High School, and I used to put a lot of sugar on it, because I did not like the sour taste of the coffee itself. Everyone starts somewhere, right? Eventually, I began to put less sugar on it as I grew older, but I can still enjoy it sweet. Instead, there is a huge debate with coffee lovers who think that if someone does not drink it black and without sugar, they do not like coffee at all. Nonetheless, I believe that everybody is free to enjoy it hot or cold and their favorite variation, because there is a reason each one of them exist.

For the love of coffee in the international day, I invite you to not judge the preferences of others, and just share a coffee with a person you love. And remember, today, is a beautiful day!

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Este curso esta dirigido a diseñadores gráficos, realizadores audiovisuales, animadores, editores de video y cualquier persona que este en el medio audiovisual y que este interesad@ en llevar sus composiciones audiovisuales a otro nivel.

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